The best design of the year. FadExpo
A must to know what is happening in the world of design and architecture here and now.
Between 28 June and 31 August, the FAD is hosting the “FADExpo. It was almost one month ago when innovation, functionality and beauty became finally friends in the first edition of FADfest.
The beginning of the summer came with time for reflection, celebration and vindication. With so much cutting in culture, we run the risk of giving back to one of the indisputable engines of town, the talent.
“FADExpo. The best design of the year” brings together in one exhibition, finalists and winners of different awards: the Laus, the ArtFAD, the Delta, the Sebastià Gasch of Paratheatrical Arts, the City to City, the FAD of Architecture and Interior Design and the MODA-FAD.
306 Laus Awards
76 Delta Awards and Medals ADI
33 FAD Awards of Architecture and Interior Design
30 ADCE Awards
22 ArtFAD Awards
15 Fashion FAD Awards
5 FAD Awards Sebastia Gasch.
An exhibition that should last longer, but if you’re in Barcelona this month of August it is an ideal plan.